2013年10月23日 11:07:32


The winners provide the treat, and the losers flatter them.

The winners provide the treat, and the losers flatter them. But as such, true peace will not come, and true freedom can not be realized.

Wars are cruel and brutal.
And this is not limited to any specific countries or peoples. Wars are, for all of humankind, something that is cruel and brutal.
Wars are cruel and brutal not only for the losers of a war. Wars are cruel and brutal even for the winners. And if one held only the losers responsible for cruelty and brutality in a war, one would not be able to see the essence of war.

Humanitarianism is something that is universal, and it is not a historical problem.
A blood-stained history exists any country, in the history of any people. If one studies history, no one can justify the sins of their home country.
What should we learn from history? We should learn about the sins that have been committed by people.

There is no justice in war. Wars involve only victory or defeat. The problem in victory or defeat is a matter of strength and weakness. Only the strong can bring about their own justice.
Losers are not permitted such righteousness. The only thing that losers are permitted to do is to cling to the compassion of the winners.
However, in this way, can justice actually be realized?
The ones who suffer the most in any war are the weak.
This has been true all throughout history.
History is filled with the follies and bad deeds that were committed by people.
The ravages of war are sins committed by people.
These are not matters involving God.
History is the tale of a thirst for blood.
As from the olden days of Romeo and Juliet, it is necessary to break the chain of hatred.
And wars must not be started.

A money economy is supported by negative accounts. In other words, debt exists there at the root of the money economy.
In a money economy, if debt is not regarded positively, the functions of the economy may not work well and may become uncontrollable.
A money economy will not hold with simplistic thinking that debt and deficits are bad and should be done away with.
If the functioning of debt is not regarded positively, we will not be able to make effective use of negative accounts and the economy will no longer be stable. Periodic profit and loss has been designed for this reason.

Why does a situation develop into a war? It is because the negative accounts have not been regarded positively. Because we are not regarding the negative accounts positively, the inefficiencies of the negative accounts have been accumulating without being eliminated. As a result, the accounts of the negative expand, and we will not be able to control these negative accounts.
And as a further result, defaulting will become very frequent.
And the economy will not function properly if the negative accounts are not cleaned out. To that end, the economy will seek creative destruction. One of the means to eliminate such a stiff negative portion is war.
With fully operating manufacturing facilities, war produces a large amount of debt. And on the other hand, war is accompanied by large expenditures. Staff must also be mobilized. And although inflation also occurs, employment is also created by it. In other words, excessive consumption occurs, which in turn creates excessive demand. And as a result, there is plenty of money available.
On the other hand, liabilities and debt of the past are liquidated. Also, if you win the war, you acquire new markets. That part is also somewhat of an illusion, but even so, it is also a fact that you will be able to monopolize specific resources. However, war is war. It should not be forgotten that, on the other hand, war is accompanied by enormous destruction.

Rather than war, international investment should be made in more productive and creative ways.
Regardless of the investment environment, whether it be in space development, whether it be in ocean development or energy resource development, or whether it be in transportation or communications, there are any number of challenges that require significant investment.

In both things and money, there is a difference between the positive and the negative.
Originally, the concept of the negative is derived from indebtedness. This negative space is what invented credit money. More than anything else, the evidence of this is that IOU slips are said to be the forerunners of today’s paper money.

The actual money issued directly by the government does not constitute government debt.
In addition, paper money is circulated on the premise of repayment. For paper money without a repayment obligation, it is not possible to create a negative space. In this sense, paper money issued directly by the government bears no
repayment obligation, so it is therefore not possible to create a negative space.
Paper money issued by the government does not exhibit bidirectional functions because collection is not assumed.
Money has created a negative function because it assumes repayment as an extension of debt. And a money economy is driven by that negative activity.
Another way of putting it is that the negative activity of money is the driving force that moves a market economy.
The real money is only a tool to be used as a means of exchange. Real money, such as gold, is worth the value of the gold itself.
Therefore, real money only serves to represent the exchange value. On the other hand, because there is no value in the money itself, credit money is has created a negative space.
Paper money that is established by credit money creates a space that is independent, and a credit space and a money space are created.
Credit money is money without the backing of a physical substance, or in other words, it is money that does not require such backing.
Thus, credit money is money that relatively speaking does not have an absolute value. Rather than credit money itself having a value, the value arises from the target that the credit money is pointing at. In other words, the value is only in the functioning of the credit money. The paper money itself is only commonplace printed matter.

Amongst these, there are target characteristics that are an aggregate of arbitrary characteristics. On the contrary, there are characteristics with functions to equalize the targets depending on those arbitrary characteristics. In addition,
there are a some workings that extract specific properties and elements and typify the targets depending on their characteristics. And money, too, inherits
its characteristics based on a number of such characteristics.
When considering money, this effect has an important function.
In other words, the essence of money is that it is a natural number. A natural number is typified by its characteristic of being a discrete number without a negative. In terms of monetary value, the functioning of this natural number makes it possible to calculate the monetary value of an extraneous object.
This is the most important element in the workings of money.

An equals sign establishes a zero-sum relationship.
The events that establish a zero-sum relationship complete one event.
A zero-sum relationship holds a positive and negative relationship.
In other words, the relationship becomes zero as a result of addition.
This addition and the zero relationship determines the relationship between symmetry and asymmetry.

There are two basic forms of exercise: a rotational movement and a linear movement.
The basis of circulatory movement, and the basis of cyclical movement, as well as the basis of wave movement is a rotational movement.

Therefore, the problem with an economic event is whether the positive and negative relationship is an ongoing event or a transient event.
That is, whether it is determined that the event is based on a rotational movement or on a linear movement.

And, in addition, whether or not the regularity becomes a problem.
Rules form the basis of periodicity.

A positive value has the characteristic of being consumed when integrated with a negative value.
Since the time value, which is formed by the interest rate, has a characteristic of growing on a compound interest basis by the negative value, the worth of the negative amplifies exponentially when it exceeds a certain limit.
When thinking about finances, such a characteristic might be considered evil.
If the balance between the positive and negative values were not maintained, the value of the negative would accumulate unilaterally and the economy would stagnate.
The value of the economy is not made up of a single positive value. Instead, it is made up of a balance with a negative value at the other end of the spectrum.

If there is no longer a balance between the positive value and the negative value, the nominal value and the substantial value will diverge. And if the flow and stock become unbalanced, it will cause sudden fluctuations in prices.

In labor, there is positive labor and negative labor.
Positive labor is productive labor, while negative labor is unproductive labor.
In the category of unproductive labor, there is monetary labor and consumption

Positive labor produces a surplus, while negative labor compensates for deficits.
Cash flow is stabilized by the balance of positive labor and negative labor.
Therefore, the entire economy is completed by the harmonizing of the movement of cash and the movement of profit and loss.

Considering the current account, the measures to be taken differ depending on whether it is seen as a movement of the surplus and deficit swinging over a
period of time, or as a movement that balances in the short term, or as a movement that accumulates linearly. And, without identifying this point, discussing whether the surplus is right or wrong is foolish.

The fiscal balance is the result of the supply and recovery of currency. And the fiscal balance occurs if all the currency that was supplied can be collected.
However, recovery of all the currency supplied by taxes is not possible, and the monetary system itself would collapse if such a thing were possible.
Currency is circulated by transactions. Transactions involve buying and selling, and borrowing and lending. The range that can be captured by taxes is a
portion of buying and selling.
Because it is an unrealized portion, the portion of borrowing and lending is not suitable for taxation, and in addition, currency does not recirculate only through buying and selling transactions. This is because credit money, through its characteristics of borrowing and lending, is supplied to the market and recovered.
Currency will not recirculate in the market through buying and selling transactions alone. This is because distribution produces a flow of funds only in a certain direction. Borrowing and lending transactions are what supplies and recovers the currency and causes the recirculation of funds in the market.
Currency no longer recirculates after all the currency supplied to the market is recovered. This is a borrowing and lending transaction. If the distribution of currency in the market is continued, it will not be possible to collect tax revenues on all of the currency. If such a situation occurs even temporarily, it
will cause the currency to disappear from the market. In order to continue to flow currency constantly into the market, it is necessary to supply and recover funds that are linked directly to the market.
To do this, we must not rely only on tax revenues, but we should establish the means for recovering the funds directly from the market, that is, the government should incorporate some profit-oriented business.
When using a constant cycle for the supply and recovery of currency, the mechanism for controlling the flow rate of the passage will become important.
That is, should we introduce a mechanism to repeat the supply and recovery of currency at a constant cycle.
In order to introduce a mechanism to repeat the supply and recovery at a constant cycle, it should not be premised on the balance of a single year, but rather it should be premised on a long-term balance.
Monopolies and exclusionary activities interfere with the circulation of currency and cause an uneven distribution of wealth. Uneven distribution of wealth
causes hording of currencies.
Business without quid pro quo does not enable the functions of the supply and recovery of currency to be fulfilled. This is because borrowing and lending transactions and buying and selling transactions are unrelated.

The positive and negative energy of the economy is converted into rotational movement through the up-and-down movement of economic value, causing distribution, and resources are distributed through exchanges in the market.
This is a market economy.
What becomes a problem is when linear movement can not be converted into rotational movement or circulating movement or cyclical movement.
If linear movement can not be converted to rotational movement, a negative
chain begins.

Linear movement will be converted to a rotational movement by an up-and-down movement.
For example, the upper limit movement of foreign exchange rates will adjust the current account, and the up-and-down movement of the current account balance will affect the exchange rates.

In the economy, there are many cases in which the correlation is more important than the cause-and-effect relationship. The relationship between the currencies exchange and the current account should not be seen in the light of which is the cause and which is the result, but rather that they are linked.

One of the mechanisms that causes the circulation of money is a zero-sum relationship. The positive and negative relationship produced by the zero-sum relationship is the force that drives the rotational movement.

Cash flow is a linear movement, but through periodic profit and loss, the movement is replaced with a constant cycle movement, and it is the accounting
system that converts it into a rotational movement. Hence, the accounting system is based upon double-entry bookkeeping.
The accounting system is the mechanism that changes linear movement into rotational movement.

Although in a modern economy linear movement can not be converted into rotational movement, the largest problem of all is that a chain of negatives is being caused.

Energy is stored unilaterally, and this distorts the market and encourages the uneven distribution of wealth. This causes distribution to no longer be fair and inhibits distribution. Furthermore, it is impossible to link production and consumption. And it would break the ties between the means of production and productivity.

The ability to raise funds is reduced by a decline in asset values, and when
funds are insufficient, debt increases, capital flows out, and internal funds are
reduced. When internal funds are depleted, the funds for re-investment are lost.

People do not live to eat bread. They eat bread to live.
In order to make money, it’s not a matter of making money. Making money might be a means to some end, but can not be the purpose of making money.
The purpose of making money is to make people happy. For the sake of making money, sacrificing the happiness of one’s family is like putting the cart before the horse, and it is just foolish.

In history, just because something is put forth as a fact, does not make it true.
A fact is a matter of recognition, but the truth is a matter of existence.
If something is said to be a fact, then it is, and if it is said not to be a fact, then it is not.
The truth is that people are helping each other, or if they are not helping each other, then serious problems that can not be solved are piling up.
It is the will of God. It is the will of God that is hidden in the truth.
To be trapped in historical fact and to look away from the truth is foolish.
Even if people were to vanish, god would not be the reason. The folly of people would be the reason.
God will not be the salvation for a person who is not seeking salvation. This is because there is no salvation for a person who is not seeking salvation.
Materialist people who do not believe in God will destroy the human race.

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Since 2015.3.12
The Copyright of these webpages including all the tables, figures and pictures belongs the author, Keiichirou Koyano.Don't reproduce any copyright withiout permission of the author.Thanks.

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